How to Lead Well Through the Coronavirus Crisis

Leading in coronavirus crisis

Five steps you can implement today COVID-19 is affecting you and every member of your team in potentially drastic ways. People are scared—for their health, the safety of loved ones, continued employment, and their finances. Nothing is a given now. How can you as a leader mitigate your team’s fears? Is it even possible to expect productivity when their emotions and attention are fragmented? Here’s a five-step process for leading well through the …

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Episode 19: What Your Team Needs to Thrive, Part 5: Appreciation Continued

A podcast for leaders.

Why do your best employees keep leaving? Leaders, avoid high turnover by communicating appreciation, getting to know your team members, and fostering a sense of belonging within your organization.

Episode 18: What Your Team Needs to Thrive, Part 4: Appreciation

A podcast for leaders.

Leaders who want to address the top desires of their team and prevent high turnover must first ensure that employee needs are being met. In this episode, I talk through ways leaders can meet employee needs and wants in order to grow a highly engaged organization.

Episode 17: What Your Team Needs to Thrive, Part 3: Safe Leadership, Continued

A podcast for leaders.

Are you a safe leader—meaning, can your team trust you not to respond in an exaggerated way when under stress? Or does your team walk on eggshells, fearing volatility or withdrawal? If so, you’re setting a culture that tells your team they aren’t safe with you when times are tough.

Episode 15: What Your Team Needs to Thrive, Part 1: A Safe Company Culture

A podcast for leaders.

A company culture in which your team feels protected, valued, and appreciated is paramount to every other desire your employees have. Listen to our latest podcast episode on developing a safe company culture.